Vision + Purpose + Energy + Resources + PLAN = Restoration In Motion

Our Mission

Together with you, we are here to revitalize the lands & country we call home in a thriving new world, through stewardship and community collaboration.

Our Vision

We envision living in alignment of mind, body, spirit united in our desire for a healthy, safe & abundant society locally & globally.

Our Goals

To create a new legacy with our earth. One of synergistic integration of all life, to live, play & contribute flourishing together with purpose, and passion .

What We Do —Together With You!


Together we organize local communities and resources to build new systems of trade, create new networks of commerce, organize self-sustaining infrastructure and all economic support when and where it is needed.

Focus On Soul-utions

Aligned actions first; as communities we brainstorm and develop shared solutions for our local community needs, ensuring viable economic alternatives and support for one another in all Restoration In Action endeavors.


As a group, we educate one another through teaching and deep listening in community conversation, respecting one another’s experiential knowledge, while celebrating each other's gifts. We share this new education with all in our lives and those we encounter to be ‘seeds of change.’

Work Together

We work together with all like minded and open hearted people, families and groups committed to Canada’s healing and restoration, including businesses and organizations dedicated to strengthening our united goals.


We empower, engage and support all Canadians interested in joining our community to assess needs and create restoration projects for change. We encourage shared learning and hold a sacred container for participation and creative expression. 

Be Of Service

With heart-full intention, we live and work together from a ‘Service To Others’ mindset, keeping the betterment of ALL (humans & Earth) as our root goals. Compassion, empathy, love and deep caring for one another drive our mission in every way!

Symbolism is an important aspect of our visual culture, with the ability to express energy, meaning & feeling.

RPC Logos

Fun Fact—Our logos are built off a representation of base 12 mathematics.

Meaning & Symbolism

  • Unity & Coming Together Of Hearts & Minds

  • 4 sets of 3 wave rings =12 ( Hold Energy Signature)

  • Feel of Motion =Restoration of Earth in motion.

  • Represents Energy/Light/Sound Waves

  • P.L.A.N -People for Liberty & Action with Nature (4 Aspects In Harmony)

What do you see and feel? What is the meaning for you?