People for Liberty and Action with Nature.

Aligned in our aim to heal and restore ourselves, our families, our communities & our Earth, we focus on building meaningful relationships, bringing people together, and educating one another in our united visions for restoration.


We are you! Heart-centered humans with a deep soul purpose, passion and a calling to make change for the betterment of all life on Earth and beyond.


We are protectors and upholders. We are decision makers and action takers, ensuring freedom and free will for all life. We are here to take self-responsibility, self-govern and live in harmony with our Earth and one another.


In actions together, we look to solve and tackle all local community potential needs, with creativity and thoughtful care. Our combined focus is to keep the restoration plan of not just Canada but Earth, moving forward through: renewed education, collaboration, knowledge sharing, community events and building meaningful partnerships.


We are Nature. Interconnected and whole. Many have forgotten but are remembering. We are here to remind one another and work in unison with nature’s cycles, laws and ways. May we reconnect, relearn and live this truth together.

What does the acronym P.L.A.N. mean to you & your community? Here is what others have beautifully created already.